Posted in Confessions of a Bibliophile

Confessions of a Bibliophile : My Blogging Journey

Episode 5: 

I always wanted to be read by people but I was away from this blogging thing. I had no idea that a word called ‘BLOG’ exists until I entered the world of online writing through a site named BOOKSIE. I saw that some of the writers had links and later on when I visited them, they were blogs. I still had no idea how to use it or make your own blog. I had this thing in my mind.


Then one fine day, a miracle happened and my own book, Turning Point of Life‘ got released and after sometime, I decided to make a blog where I could review books. It was made for official purpose but I started with personal stories just to make a perfect starting. The very first post I wrote was about my success story and introduction. It was published on 2 February,2015.


Then slowly, I got readership and I wanted to make my blog look attractive so I made another blog on wordpress which has got the same love like my previous one.. I write diary entries, poems, shayaris, short stories,book reviews, spotlights.. When I had completed my 100th post, I updated my journey..:)


Now, people message me sometimes and ask me when I am updating my post and all look forward to my posts be it book review or any other.. My blog is just like my baby and I never forget to mention my blog in my posts and doesn’t matter how busy I get, I don’t forget to blog.

Blogging has become an integral part of my life..When my parents read my blog posts, they didn’t believe that I could pen down so well..It was an amazing experience.

They were at somebody’s place and when that relative praised me for my blog post, my parents said they want to read it and when they read it, they had tears in their eyes. They came home and hugged me so tightly. I just don’t have words to explain that feeling.. It was like heaven.

In closing lines, I would like to iterate that,

 “My blog is like a garden and I take care of it with passion and love.”

Author’s Note: Everyone has their own sort of attachments for their blogs. If you agree to my thoughts, then do share your blog story with us in the comments below. Don’t forget to like, comment and share so that I can come back with more interesting episodic confession. Stay tuned for more updates.

(I am Surbhi Sareen, a bibliophile and creative content writing intern at Kaffeinated Konversations)

P.S : I sent this story for a blog feature to Candy Floss Digital Academy last year and it got featured there.



Intelligent Conversations, Unending coffee cups and totally in sync communication - When you feel free to converse, you feel limitless.

2 thoughts on “Confessions of a Bibliophile : My Blogging Journey

  1. Reblogged this on Raga's Voice and commented:
    This is my blog story and I hope many of you might connect to this story. A blog is the best place to express yourself and when it gets appreciated, the moment is priceless.. Stay tuned for more confessions and this blogging story was featured on Candy Floss Last Year..:)


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