Posted in Book Reviews

Brand Magic (Book Review)

“Brand Magic – The Art and Science of Creating Successful Brands” by Prof. Alan D’Souza and Dr. Prashant Pareek dissects each of the 10 notable brands from Gujarat that emerged into huge successes. Published by MICA (MI-Press), this book is a go-to book for everyone who wants to establish their knowledge base on branding, especially from the perspective of brands from Gujarat state.

Presented in case study format, this book explores Gujarat-based brands like Sugar Free, Wagh Bakri Tea Group , Amul India , Astral Pipes , Fogg, Balaji Wafers Pvt.Ltd. , Jio Platforms Limited (JPL) , Rasna International , Symphony Limited and Havmor Ice Cream Pvt Ltd , among the top 10 brands making it big in India and internationally.

Each brand case study is presented with the backstory of the brand and its creation, the efforts undertaken to market/brand it and the competitive as well as market analysis of each. While Amul has been the brand with the maximal usage of IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) for branding, others have used more videos and digital inputs. Each brand is a study in itself and this book makes the study very easy for anyone interested in branding and marketing.

Key Points –

  • Entrepreneurship from generational and present-day perspectives gives rise to different ways of branding
  • Spotting opportunities and making decisions to grab them is a crucial indicator of how a founder/businessman can foresee the growth of the brand
  • Distribution is the primary concern for any FMCG brand and it holds the fort for visibility, expansion across geographies and brand awareness at a regional level
  • Price, Patience and Prediction of brand success is essential to guide the decisions ahead.

Overall, with colorful illustrations, charts, diagrams and statistics, each brand story has an impactful and clear visualization for anyone who reads this book.

From a similar perspective, the book is a simpler take on another book that was a great reference source – Advertising & Promotions An Imc Perspective. by Kruti Shah, Alan D Souza (Author),. Mcgraw Hill Education (Publisher)

With the conceptual linkages of branding and IMC, this book is useful for academicians who want to share brand stories and also for anyone associated with the field of branding.

I highly recommend this book!


“Brand Magic – The Art and Science of Creating Successful Brands” – is an extensively researched and curated book that delves into ten notable brands that emerged from Gujarat and became prestigious national brands over the past decades. The book showcases how Marketing Communications has played a significant role in taking these brands from state to national and international levels. Apart from telling stories behind brand-building, the book will also serve as a helpful reference book for management students studying Marketing, Marketing Communications and Branding.

About the Book Reviewer:

Reviewed by Kavita Jhala, Founder of Kaffeinated Konversations â€“ a Bibliophile, writer and artist. You can reach out to her on FacebookInstagram and Linkedin. If you want your book to be reviewed, drop an email to


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